29 May, 2013

Matisse Inspired Dancers

Students in grade 3 have been learning about collage this term. We have been learning that we can make a collage by using a range of materials (cut or torn paper, tissue, fabric, leaves, ribbon, string) and sticking those materials to a background.

Students were introduced to the work of Henri Matisse. Matisse was a French artist who was well known for his ‘paper cut out’ artworks. He called this technique ‘drawing with scissors’.

Students were shown many examples of Matisse’s collages. We discussed the bold colours in his work, as well as his use of organic shapes. We also discussed composition, and how the figure, or ‘dancer’ in our work can show movement and evoke different feelings depending on how the body parts are placed on the page.

Students worked very hard on these artworks and we are so proud of the results. These are currently on display in the hallway near the office, so make sure you have a look!

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