08 June, 2013

Autumn Tree Collages

Students in grades 1 and 2 have been learning about collage this term. We have been learning that we can make a collage by using a range of materials (cut or torn paper, tissue, fabric, leaves, ribbon, string) and sticking those materials to a background.

These beautiful autumn tree collages were created using a combination of tissue and construction paper. Students began this project by looking at books about the seasons. We discussed autumn, in particular what happens to the trees and colours of the leaves at this time of year. We also looked at some books by Jeannie Baker, who uses collage in her picture storybooks.

Students were shown how to create a tree trunk by tearing paper strips. They enjoyed learning a special technique for sticking small pieces of tissue paper onto their branches for leaves. Students also learned the decorative paper technique known as ‘fringing’ for the grass. The results are these beautiful autumn trees! Be sure to have a look at these currently on display in the main hallway near the office.

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