26 July, 2013

Giraffe Collages and Birds

Last term, students in grades 1 & 2 learned about collage. These giraffe collages and birds were constructed using a variety of materials such as torn paper, wool, pegs, buttons, feathers, hessian and other decorative bits and pieces.

These artworks were created in two stages. Stage one saw the grade 2 students creating a background for their piece by tearing and sticking paper. Students then traced a stencil for the body and head of their giraffe. Students learned how to create strips of paper for the legs by folding, cutting and sticking strips to create a knee joint.

Stage two saw the grade 2 students exploring a variety of materials to decorate their giraffe. Students used buttons and feathers for eyes, pegs for antlers, hessian and wool for hair and torn pieces of paper for the giraffe’s spots. Students in grade 1 then made beautiful birds for our display using paper, buttons, feathers and split pins. These are on display now so make sure you have a look!

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